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RB: Reblogging Post

To reblog a post, we can use a custom_json operation that is handled by the follow plugin.

Full, runnable src of Reblogging Post can be downloaded as part of: tutorials/ruby (or download just this tutorial:

For this operation, we will use custom_json and a properly formed id and payload so that follow_plugin will pick up the reblog data and display the selected post in the feed of the account doing the reblog.

Also see:


  1. Making the api call - broadcasting the operation
    1. Example api call - make the call in code
    2. Example api call using script - using our tutorial script
    3. Example Output - output from a successful call
    4. Example Error - error output from a unsuccessful call
  2. Custom JSON Fields - understanding the result
  3. To Run - Running the example.

Making the api call


To broadcast the operation, we can use a Radiator::Transaction instance:

tx =


Passing true to Radiator::Transaction#process will broadcast the operations queued in the operations array of the transaction.

Example api call

If we want to reblog, we need to form the json properly, for example:

data = [
  :reblog, {
    account: reblogger,
    author: author,
    permlink: permlink

tx.operations << {
  type: :custom_json,
  id: 'follow',
  required_auths: [],
  required_posting_auths: [reblogger],
  json: data.to_json

Example api call using script

And to do the same with our tutorial script:

ruby reblogging_post.rb

Example Output

From the example we get the following output from our script:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "id": "0aa41e06b2612315d32cadeb671eb1201f266dd7",
    "block_num": 24063620,
    "trx_num": 19,
    "expired": false
  "id": 3

The response we get after broadcasting the transaction gives us the transaction id (0aa41e0...), block number (24063620), and the transaction number of that block (19).

Example Error

If a post has already been reblogged by the account, some witnesses are configured to response with an error, if they have follow_evaluators enabled (by soft-consensus):

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "error": {
    "code": -32000,
    "message": "Assert Exception:blog_itr == blog_comment_idx.end(): Account has already reblogged this post",
    "data": {
      "code": 10,
      "name": "assert_exception",
      "message": "Assert Exception",
      "stack": [
          "context": {
            "level": "error",
            "file": "follow_evaluators.cpp",
            "line": 143,
            "method": "do_apply",
            "hostname": "",
            "timestamp": "2018-07-10T21:33:11"
          "format": "blog_itr == blog_comment_idx.end(): Account has already reblogged this post",
          "data": {
          "context": {
            "level": "warn",
            "file": "follow_evaluators.cpp",
            "line": 216,
            "method": "do_apply",
            "hostname": "",
            "timestamp": "2018-07-10T21:33:11"
          "format": "",
          "data": {
            "o": {
              "account": "social",
              "author": "inertia",
              "permlink": "kinda-spooky"
          "context": {
            "level": "warn",
            "file": "generic_custom_operation_interpreter.hpp",
            "line": 195,
            "method": "apply",
            "hostname": "",
            "timestamp": "2018-07-10T21:33:11"
          "format": "",
          "data": {
            "outer_o": {
              "required_auths": [

              "required_posting_auths": [
              "id": "follow",
              "json": "[\"reblog\",{\"account\":\"social\",\"author\":\"inertia\",\"permlink\":\"kinda-spooky\"}]"
          "context": {
            "level": "warn",
            "file": "database.cpp",
            "line": 3221,
            "method": "_apply_transaction",
            "hostname": "",
            "timestamp": "2018-07-10T21:33:11"
          "format": "",
          "data": {
            "op": {
              "type": "custom_json_operation",
              "value": {
                "required_auths": [

                "required_posting_auths": [
                "id": "follow",
                "json": "[\"reblog\",{\"account\":\"social\",\"author\":\"inertia\",\"permlink\":\"kinda-spooky\"}]"
          "context": {
            "level": "warn",
            "file": "database.cpp",
            "line": 3227,
            "method": "_apply_transaction",
            "hostname": "",
            "timestamp": "2018-07-10T21:33:11"
          "format": "",
          "data": {
            "trx": {
              "ref_block_num": 12404,
              "ref_block_prefix": 1445149887,
              "expiration": "2018-07-10T21:43:09",
              "operations": [
                  "type": "custom_json_operation",
                  "value": {
                    "required_auths": [

                    "required_posting_auths": [
                    "id": "follow",
                    "json": "[\"reblog\",{\"account\":\"social\",\"author\":\"inertia\",\"permlink\":\"kinda-spooky\"}]"
              "extensions": [

              "signatures": [
          "context": {
            "level": "warn",
            "file": "database.cpp",
            "line": 788,
            "method": "push_transaction",
            "hostname": "",
            "timestamp": "2018-07-10T21:33:11"
          "format": "",
          "data": {
            "trx": {
              "ref_block_num": 12404,
              "ref_block_prefix": 1445149887,
              "expiration": "2018-07-10T21:43:09",
              "operations": [
                  "type": "custom_json_operation",
                  "value": {
                    "required_auths": [

                    "required_posting_auths": [
                    "id": "follow",
                    "json": "[\"reblog\",{\"account\":\"social\",\"author\":\"inertia\",\"permlink\":\"kinda-spooky\"}]"
              "extensions": [

              "signatures": [
  "id": 3

This indicates that the operation was not included in the blockchain because it was already reblogged in the past. If a witness accepts the erroneous reblog operation, because they do not have follow_evaluators enabled, there will be no error.

Custom JSON Fields

Broadcasting a custom_json operation will require the following fields:

To Run

First, set up your workstation using the steps provided in Getting Started. Then you can create and execute the script (or clone from this repository):

You can launch a local testnet, with port 8090 mapped locally to the docker container:

docker run -d -p 8090:8090 inertia/tintoy:latest

For details on running a local testnet, see: Setting Up a Testnet

git clone
cd devportal/tutorials/ruby/14_reblogging_post
bundle install
ruby reblogging_post.rb <url>