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Get Post Details

This tutorial fetches the contents of a single post and explains all data related to that post.

Full, runnable src of Get Post Details can be downloaded as part of: tutorials/python (or download just this tutorial:

We will explain and show you how to access the Hive blockchain using the beem library to fetch list of posts filtered by a filter and tag.


Hive python library has built-in function to get details of post with author and permlink as an argument. Since we don’t have predefined post or author/permlink. We will fetch post list from previous tutorial and give option to choose one option/post to get its details. get_content function fetches latest state of the post and delivers its details. Note that get_discussions_by_created filter is used for fetching 5 posts which by default contains details of each post, but for purpose of this tutorial we will showcase get_content function to fetch details.

Also see:


  1. App setup - Library install and import
  2. Post list - List of posts to select from created filter
  3. Post details - Get post details for selected post
  4. Print output - Print results in output

1. App setup

In this tutorial we use 3 packages, pick - helps us to select filter interactively. beem - hive library, interaction with Blockchain. pprint - print results in better format.

First we import all three library and initialize Hive class

import pprint
from pick import pick
# initialize Hive class
from beem import Hive
from beem.discussions import Query, Discussions
from beem.comment import Comment

h = Hive()

2. Post list

Next we will fetch and make list of posts and setup pick properly.

q = Query(limit=2, tag="")
d = Discussions()

#post list for selected query
posts = d.get_discussions('created', q, limit=2)

title = 'Please choose post: '
options = []

#posts list
for post in posts:
  options.append(post["author"] + '/' + post["permlink"])

# get index and selected filter name
option, index = pick(options, title)

This will show us list of posts to select in terminal/command prompt. And after selection we will get index and post name to index and option variables.

3. Post details

Next we will fetch post details with get_content. By default get_discussions_by_created function already contains post details, but for this tutorial purpose we will ignore all other fields but only use author and permlink fields to fetch fresh post details.

details = Comment(option)

4. Print output

Next, we will print result, details of selected post.

# print post body for selected post
pprint.pprint('Depth: ' + str(details.depth))
pprint.pprint('Author: ' +
pprint.pprint('Category: ' + details.category)
pprint.pprint('Body: ' + details.body)

Also see: beem.comment.Comment

The example of result returned from the service:

'Depth: 0'
'Author: hiveio'
'Category: hive'
('Body: '

From this result you have access to everything associated to the post including additional metadata which is a JSON string (e.g.; json()["created"]), active_votes (see: beem.comment.Comment.get_vote_with_curation) info, post title, body, etc. details that can be used in further development of applications with Python.

Final code:

import pprint
from pick import pick
# initialize Hive class
from beem import Hive
from beem.discussions import Query, Discussions
from beem.comment import Comment

h = Hive()

q = Query(limit=2, tag="")
d = Discussions()

#post list for selected query
posts = d.get_discussions('created', q, limit=2)

title = 'Please choose post: '
options = []

#posts list
for post in posts:
  options.append(post["author"] + '/' + post["permlink"])

# get index and selected filter name
option, index = pick(options, title)

details = Comment(option)

# print post body for selected post
# Also see:
pprint.pprint('Depth: ' + str(details.depth))
pprint.pprint('Author: ' +
pprint.pprint('Category: ' + details.category)
pprint.pprint('Body: ' + details.body)

To Run the tutorial

  1. review dev requirements
  2. git clone
  3. cd devportal/tutorials/python/05_get_post_details
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. python
  6. After a few moments, you should see output in terminal/command prompt screen.