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PHP: Search Accounts

How to call a list of user names from the Hive blockchain


In this tutorial, we will see how to get accounts list start with the selected string. We made this with hive-php-lib. You can also find the result PHP file in the /resources/examples/searchAccounts.php file in hive-php-lib folder.

Also see:


Before start to code, don’t forget to read the PHP: Getting Started tutorial to see how to prepare your code for hive-php-lib. If you want a shortcut, just start your PHP file with:


/* Load Composer for autoload libs */
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

/* Declase use statement to add Hive Condenser lib */
use Hive\PhpLib\Hive\Condenser as HiveCondenser;

/* Create config array and fill with settings */
$config = [
    "debug" => false,
    "disableSsl" => false,
    "heNode" => "",
    "hiveNode" =>"",

/* Instantiate Hive Condenser object */
$hiveApi = new HiveCondenser($config);


Now, use the lookupAccounts function. This function must have 2 arguments:

$lowerBound = 'bamb';
$limit = 10;

$result = $hiveApi->lookupAccounts($lowerBound, $limit);

Now, you have an array ($result) with 10 first accounts name started with “bamb”. To display them, just print_r():
