Hive Developer Portal

Search Tags
Performing a search for tags.
Full, runnable src of Search Tags can be downloaded as part of: tutorials/python (or download just this tutorial:
Please refer to 15_search_accounts which includes a tutorial for trending tags
as well.
Final code:
from beem import Hive
from pick import pick
from beem.blockchain import Blockchain
from beem.discussions import Query, Trending_tags
# initialize Hive class
h = Hive()
# choose list type
title = 'Please select type of list:'
options = ['Active Account names', 'Trending tags']
# get index and selected list name
option, index = pick(options, title)
if option == 'Active Account names':
context = Blockchain(blockchain_instance=h)
# capture starting account
account = input("Enter account name to start search from: ")
# input list limit
limit = input("Enter max number of accounts to display: ")
print('\n' + "List of " + option + '\n')
accounts = []
for a in context.get_all_accounts(start=account, limit=int(limit)):
# capture starting tag
aftertag = input("Enter tag name to start search from: ")
# capture list limit
limit = input("Enter max number of tags to display: ")
print('\n' + "List of " + option + '\n')
q = Query(limit=int(limit), start_tag=aftertag)
for t in Trending_tags(q):