Hive Developer Portal

Vote On Content
Create a weighted up or down vote on a comment/post.
Full, runnable src of Vote On Content can be downloaded as part of: tutorials/javascript (or download just this tutorial:
This tutorial will take you through the process of preparing and submitting a vote
using the broadcast
Because this tutorial essentially produces spam, it will be pointed at a Hive testnet. The testnet is an open resource,
so the default account and posting key in this tutorial may have been changed by another developer learning the ropes.
If that happens, you’ll want to create a new account on the testnet and use that account’s credentials instead.
We are using the
function provided by the dhive
library to send the transaction through to the
network. On the Hive platform, posts and comments are all internally stored as a comment
object, differentiated by
whether or not a parent_author
exists. When there is no parent_author
, then it’s a post, when there is, it’s a
comment. Voting is done on either of the two based on the author and permlink of the comment. There are 5 parameters
required for the voting operation:
- Username - The username of the account making the vote (the voter)
- Privatekey - This is the private posting key of the voter
- Author - The author of the comment/post that the voter is voting on
- Permlink - The unique identifier of the comment/post of the author
- Weight - This is the weight that the vote will carry. The value ranges from -10000 (100% flag) to 10000 (100% upvote)
Due to the low amount of posts on the testnet we added an additional step to create a post before we vote on it. The values are auto loaded in the respective input boxes. A full tutorial on how to create a new post can be found on the Hive Devportal
Also see:
- Configure connection Configuration of
to communicate with a Hive blockchain - Create new post Creating a new post on the testnet
- Input variables Collecting the required inputs via an HTML UI
- Broadcast Creating an object and broadcasting the vote to the blockchain
1. Configure connection
As usual, we have a public/app.js
file which holds the Javascript segment of the tutorial. In the first few lines we define the configured library and packages:
import { Client, PrivateKey } from '@hiveio/dhive';
import { Testnet as NetConfig } from '../../configuration'; //A Hive Testnet. Replace 'Testnet' with 'Mainnet' to connect to the main Hive blockchain.
let opts = { };
//connect to a hive node, testnet in this case
const client = new Client(NetConfig.url, opts);
Above, we have dhive
pointing to the test network with the proper chainId, addressPrefix, and endpoint by importing from the configuration.js
file. Because this tutorial is interactive, we will not publish test content to the main network. Instead, we’re using the testnet and a predefined account which is imported once the application loads, to demonstrate voting on content.
window.onload = () => {
const account = NetConfig.accounts[0];
document.getElementById('username').value = account.address;
document.getElementById('postingKey').value = account.privPosting;
2. Create new post
A new blog post is created on the testnet with the necessary variables for the vote function being allocated as well. If a post is successfully created it will display a block number and a value will be assigned to the permlink
//refer to "10_submit_post" in the tutorials folder for creating a post on
//create post function
window.createPost = async () => {
//get private key
const privateKey = createPrivateKey();
//get account name
const account = document.getElementById('username').value;
//for content
const time = new Date().getTime();
//get title
const title = ` - JS-T:17 ${time}`;
//get body
const body = `Go to []( for the latest in Hive tutorials! This post was created by someone using the active version of those tutorials at [](
//get tags and convert to array list
const tags = 'blog';
const taglist = tags.split(' ');
//make simple json metadata including only tags
const json_metadata = JSON.stringify({ tags: taglist });
//generate random permanent link for post
const permlink = Math.random()
author: account,
body: body,
json_metadata: json_metadata,
parent_author: '',
parent_permlink: tags,
permlink: permlink,
title: title,
function(result) {
document.getElementById('permlink').innerHTML = permlink;
).innerHTML = `Included in block: <a href="${
}/@${account}/${permlink}" target="_blank">${
document.getElementById('postResult').style.display = 'flex';
document.getElementById('permlink').value = permlink;
function(error) {
You may have noted the mystery function createPrivateKey()
. It’s a convenience function that allows us to give the
user some meaningful UI feedback if they put in a bad posting key. The important part of it is
return dhive.PrivateKey.fromString(<somestring>)
but its full glory can be seen in the snippet below
const createPrivateKey = function() {
try {
return dhive.PrivateKey.fromString(
} catch (e) {
const resultEl = document.getElementById('result');
resultEl.className = 'form-control-plaintext alert alert-danger';
resultEl.innerHTML = e.message + ' - See console for full error.';
throw e;
3. Input variables
The required parameters for the vote operation is recorded via an HTML UI that can be found in the public/index.html
file. The values are pre-populated in this case with a testnet demo
account. The vote weight is input via a slider as this value can range between -10000 and 10000 denoting either a 100% flag or 100% upvote.
The parameter values are allocated as seen below, once the user clicks on the “Submit” button.
window.submitVote = async () => {
//we'll make use of resultEl in multiple child scopes. This is generally good practice.
const resultEl = document.getElementById('result');
resultEl.innerHTML = 'pending...';
//get all values from the UI//
//get account name of voter
const voter = document.getElementById('username').value;
//get private posting key
const privateKey = createPrivateKey();
//get author of post/comment to vote
const author = document.getElementById('author').value;
//get post permalink to vote
const permlink = document.getElementById('permlink').value;
//get weight of vote
const weight = parseInt(
The weight
parameter is required to be an interger for the vote operation so we parse it from the UI text field. The permlink
value is retrieved from the create post
4. Broadcast
We create a vote object
with the input variables before we can broadcast to the blockchain.
const vote = {
weight, //needs to be an integer for the vote function
After which we can complete the
operation with the created object and private posting key received from the input UI. The result of the vote is displayed on the UI to confirm whether it was a success
or failed
with details of that process being displayed on the console., privateKey).then(
function(result) {
console.log('success:', result);
resultEl.className = 'form-control-plaintext alert alert-success';
resultEl.innerHTML = 'Success! See console for full response.';
function(error) {
console.log('error:', error);
resultEl.className = 'form-control-plaintext alert alert-danger';
resultEl.innerHTML =
error.jse_shortmsg + ' - See console for full response.';
window.onload = () => {
var voteWeightSlider = document.getElementById('voteWeight');
var currentWeightDiv = document.getElementById('currentWeight');
currentWeightDiv.innerHTML = voteWeightSlider.value;
voteWeightSlider.oninput = function() {
currentWeightDiv.innerHTML = this.value;
More information on how to use the broadcast
operation and options surrounding the operation can be found on the Hive Devportal
Final code:
import { Client, PrivateKey } from '@hiveio/dhive';
import { Testnet as NetConfig } from '../../configuration'; //A Hive Testnet. Replace 'Testnet' with 'Mainnet' to connect to the main Hive blockchain.
let opts = { };
//connect to a hive node, testnet in this case
const client = new Client(NetConfig.url, opts);
const createPrivateKey = function() {
try {
return PrivateKey.fromString(
} catch (e) {
const resultEl = document.getElementById('result');
resultEl.className = 'form-control-plaintext alert alert-danger';
resultEl.innerHTML = e.message + ' - See console for full error.';
throw e;
//refer to "10_submit_post" in the tutorials folder for creating a post on
window.createPost = async () => {
//get private key
const privateKey = createPrivateKey();
//get account name
const account = document.getElementById('username').value;
//for content
const time = new Date().getTime();
//get title
const title = ` - JS-T:17 ${time}`;
//get body
const body = `Go to []( for the latest in Hive tutorials! This post was created by someone using the active version of those tutorials at [](
//get tags and convert to array list
const tags = 'blog';
const taglist = tags.split(' ');
//make simple json metadata including only tags
const json_metadata = JSON.stringify({ tags: taglist });
//generate random permanent link for post
const permlink = Math.random()
author: account,
body: body,
json_metadata: json_metadata,
parent_author: '',
parent_permlink: tags,
permlink: permlink,
title: title,
function(result) {
document.getElementById('permlink').innerHTML = permlink;
).innerHTML = `Included in block: <a href="${
}/@${account}/${permlink}" target="_blank">${
document.getElementById('postResult').style.display = 'flex';
document.getElementById('permlink').value = permlink;
function(error) {
//submit vote function executes when you click "Submit Vote" button
window.submitVote = async () => {
//we'll make use of resultEl in multiple child scopes. This is generally good practice.
const resultEl = document.getElementById('result');
resultEl.innerHTML = 'pending...';
//get all values from the UI//
//get account name of voter
const voter = document.getElementById('username').value;
//get private posting key
const privateKey = createPrivateKey();
//get author of post/comment to vote
const author = document.getElementById('author').value;
//get post permalink to vote
const permlink = document.getElementById('permlink').value;
//get weight of vote
const weight = parseInt(
//create vote object
const vote = {
weight, //needs to be an integer for the vote function
//broadcast the vote, privateKey).then(
function(result) {
console.log('success:', result);
resultEl.className = 'form-control-plaintext alert alert-success';
resultEl.innerHTML = 'Success! See console for full response.';
function(error) {
console.log('error:', error);
resultEl.className = 'form-control-plaintext alert alert-danger';
resultEl.innerHTML =
error.jse_shortmsg + ' - See console for full response.';
window.onload = async () => {
var voteWeightSlider = document.getElementById('voteWeight');
var currentWeightDiv = document.getElementById('currentWeight');
currentWeightDiv.innerHTML = voteWeightSlider.value;
voteWeightSlider.oninput = function() {
currentWeightDiv.innerHTML = this.value;
const account = NetConfig.accounts[0];
document.getElementById('username').value = account.address;
document.getElementById('postingKey').value = account.privPosting;
To run this tutorial
git clone
cd devportal/tutorials/javascript/17_vote_on_content
npm i
npm run dev-server
ornpm run start
- After a few moments, the server should be running at http://localhost:3000/