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Get State Replacement API

This is a list of replacement API calls for each of the different _routes available from the getState function._

Full, runnable src of Get State Replacement Api can be downloaded as part of: tutorials/javascript (or download just this tutorial:


With the getState API call retrieving ALL block information and now being deprecated, a more efficient process is required to call only the dataset that you require for a your specific application. There are a couple different routes (data groupings) that can be found within the getState function. Each of these will be described and a replacement API call will be discussed.

Included in this single getState call is the list of content being requested, the latest Dynamic Global Properties, the latest Account Data for the authors included in the results, and the current feed price. The getState function is great in order to get the first 20 posts (and account information based on the post authors) based on the selected tag. If the query field is left empty getState automatically calls info based on the trending tag. getState can also be used to call information for a specific account.

The call routes that will be covered are for:

  1. accounts
  2. content
  3. feed_price
  4. props
  5. tags
  6. tag_idx
  7. witness_schedule
  8. witnesses

Current getState() result:

  "current_route": "",
  "props": {
    "head_block_number": 0,
    "head_block_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "time": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
    "current_witness": "",
    "total_pow": "18446744073709551615",
    "num_pow_witnesses": 0,
    "virtual_supply": "0.000 HIVE",
    "current_supply": "0.000 HIVE",
    "confidential_supply": "0.000 HIVE",
    "current_hbd_supply": "0.000 HIVE",
    "confidential_hbd_supply": "0.000 HIVE",
    "total_vesting_fund_hive": "0.000 HIVE",
    "total_vesting_shares": "0.000 HIVE",
    "total_reward_fund_hive": "0.000 HIVE",
    "total_reward_shares2": "0",
    "pending_rewarded_vesting_shares": "0.000 HIVE",
    "pending_rewarded_vesting_hive": "0.000 HIVE",
    "hbd_interest_rate": 0,
    "hbd_print_rate": 10000,
    "maximum_block_size": 0,
    "current_aslot": 0,
    "recent_slots_filled": "0",
    "participation_count": 0,
    "last_irreversible_block_num": 0,
    "vote_power_reserve_rate": 40,
    "average_block_size": 0,
    "current_reserve_ratio": 1,
    "max_virtual_bandwidth": "0"
  "tag_idx": {"trending": []},
  "tags": {},
  "content": {},
  "accounts": {},
  "witnesses": {},
  "discussion_idx": {},
  "witness_schedule": {
    "id": 0,
    "current_virtual_time": "0",
    "next_shuffle_block_num": 1,
    "current_shuffled_witnesses": [],
    "num_scheduled_witnesses": 1,
    "top19_weight": 1,
    "timeshare_weight": 5,
    "miner_weight": 1,
    "witness_pay_normalization_factor": 25,
    "median_props": {
      "account_creation_fee": "0.000 HIVE",
      "maximum_block_size": 131072,
      "hbd_interest_rate": 1000
    "majority_version": "0.0.0",
    "max_voted_witnesses": 19,
    "max_miner_witnesses": 1,
    "max_runner_witnesses": 1,
    "hardfork_required_witnesses": 17
  "feed_price": {"base": "0.000 HIVE", "quote": "0.000 HIVE"},
  "error": ""

Use cases and data sets

Route: getState(‘accounts’)


In order to get the full compliment of account information for a specified account, getAccounts can be used as in the example above. If you require this information for the top 20 trending authors, you can use the function as per getState('content') to retrieve the author names and then get the information per individual. The account information can be used to track balances, vesting, followers, witness votes and pending rewards among others.

  "id": 1370484,
  "name": "hiveio",
  "owner": {
    "weight_threshold": 1,
    "account_auths": [],
    "key_auths": [
  "active": {
    "weight_threshold": 1,
    "account_auths": [],
    "key_auths": [
  "posting": {
    "weight_threshold": 1,
    "account_auths": [
    "key_auths": [
  "memo_key": "STM7wrsg1BZogeK7X3eG4ivxmLaH69FomR8rLkBbepb3z3hm5SbXu",
  "json_metadata": "",
  "posting_json_metadata": "{\"profile\":{\"pinned\":\"none\",\"version\":2,\"website\":\"\",\"profile_image\":\"\",\"cover_image\":\"\"}}",
  "proxy": "",
  "last_owner_update": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
  "last_account_update": "2020-11-12T01:20:48",
  "created": "2020-03-06T12:22:48",
  "mined": false,
  "recovery_account": "steempeak",
  "last_account_recovery": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
  "reset_account": "null",
  "comment_count": 0,
  "lifetime_vote_count": 0,
  "post_count": 31,
  "can_vote": true,
  "voting_manabar": {
    "current_mana": "598442432741",
    "last_update_time": 1591297380
  "downvote_manabar": {
    "current_mana": "149610608184",
    "last_update_time": 1591297380
  "voting_power": 0,
  "balance": "11.682 HIVE",
  "savings_balance": "0.000 HIVE",
  "hbd_balance": "43.575 HBD",
  "hbd_seconds": "0",
  "hbd_seconds_last_update": "2020-10-21T02:45:12",
  "hbd_last_interest_payment": "2020-10-21T02:45:12",
  "savings_hbd_balance": "0.000 HBD",
  "savings_hbd_seconds": "0",
  "savings_hbd_seconds_last_update": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
  "savings_hbd_last_interest_payment": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
  "savings_withdraw_requests": 0,
  "reward_hbd_balance": "0.000 HBD",
  "reward_hive_balance": "0.000 HIVE",
  "reward_vesting_balance": "0.000000 VESTS",
  "reward_vesting_hive": "0.000 HIVE",
  "vesting_shares": "598442.432741 VESTS",
  "delegated_vesting_shares": "0.000000 VESTS",
  "received_vesting_shares": "0.000000 VESTS",
  "vesting_withdraw_rate": "0.000000 VESTS",
  "post_voting_power": "598442.432741 VESTS",
  "next_vesting_withdrawal": "1969-12-31T23:59:59",
  "withdrawn": 0,
  "to_withdraw": 0,
  "withdraw_routes": 0,
  "pending_transfers": 0,
  "curation_rewards": 0,
  "posting_rewards": 604589,
  "proxied_vsf_votes": [
  "witnesses_voted_for": 0,
  "last_post": "2021-03-23T18:05:48",
  "last_root_post": "2021-03-23T18:05:48",
  "last_vote_time": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
  "post_bandwidth": 0,
  "pending_claimed_accounts": 0,
  "delayed_votes": [],
  "vesting_balance": "0.000 HIVE",
  "reputation": "88826789432105",
  "transfer_history": [],
  "market_history": [],
  "post_history": [],
  "vote_history": [],
  "other_history": [],
  "witness_votes": [],
  "tags_usage": [],
  "guest_bloggers": []

Route: getState(‘content’)'get_discussions_by_trending',[{limit:20}])

While getState() truncates the post body at 1024 characters, getDiscussionsBy will not truncate the body unless you provide a truncate_body value in the query structure. getDiscussionsBy can be executed by trending, created, active, cashout, payout, votes, children, hot, feed, blog or comments. This provides a wide range by which the posts can be called depending on the specific needs. Within the query parameter specific tags, filters, authors and permlinks can be provided. The limit can also be increased to a maximum of 100 posts where getState is limited to the first 20. You can also refer to the get post tutorial for a simplified database call for posts. The detail provided by this statement can be used to track pending payouts, curator rewards and votes for the trending, or specified posts.

  "abs_rshares": "60411661082705",
  "active": "2018-09-26T19:47:15",
  "active_votes": [],
  "allow_curation_rewards": true,
  "allow_replies": true,
  "allow_votes": true,
  "author": "therealwolf",
  "author_reputation": "100096076084764",
  "author_rewards": 0,
  "beneficiaries": [],
  "body": "......",
  "body_length": 4577,
  "cashout_time": "2018-10-02T13:52:24",
  "category": "witness-update",
  "children": 7,
  "children_abs_rshares": "60493226759117",
  "created": "2018-09-25T13:52:24",
  "curator_payout_value": "0.000 HBD",
  "depth": 0,
  "id": 63318715,
  "json_metadata": {"tags":[]},
  "last_payout": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
  "last_update": "2018-09-26T19:17:33",
  "max_accepted_payout": "100000.000 HBD",
  "max_cashout_time": "1969-12-31T23:59:59",
  "net_rshares": "60411661082705",
  "net_votes": 179,
  "parent_author": "",
  "parent_permlink": "witness-update",
  "pending_payout_value": "80.490 HBD",
  "percent_hbd": 10000,
  "permlink": "witness-essentials-hf20-ready",
  "promoted": "0.000 HBD",
  "reblogged_by": [],
  "replies": [],
  "reward_weight": 10000,
  "root_author": "therealwolf",
  "root_permlink": "witness-essentials-hf20-ready",
  "root_title": "Witness Essentials: HF20 Ready",
  "title": "Witness Essentials: HF20 Ready",
  "total_payout_value": "0.000 HBD",
  "total_pending_payout_value": "0.000 HIVE",
  "total_vote_weight": 7795119,
  "url": "/witness-update/@therealwolf/witness-essentials-hf20-ready",
  "vote_rshares": "60411661082705"

Route: getState(‘feed_price’)


This provides the same data as getState but is executed much faster due to the limited amount of information provided by this function.

  "base": {"amount": 0.887, "symbol": "HBD"},
  "quote": {"amount": 1, "symbol": "HIVE"}

Route: getState(‘props’)

//all block info
//head block number only
//simple head block info

getDynamicGlobalProperties() provides the same level of information and tracks the same values for each created block. You can also call a simplified version of block info containing only the block_id, previous block_id, signing_key, timestamp, witness and witness signature by using the current head block number with the getBlock database call.

  "confidential_hbd_supply":"0.000 HBD",
  "confidential_supply":"0.000 HIVE",
  "current_hbd_supply":"14921682.900 HBD",
  "current_supply":"277501868.004 HIVE",
  "pending_rewarded_vesting_shares":"483834672.069834 VESTS",
  "pending_rewarded_vesting_hive":"237227.812 HIVE",
  "total_reward_fund_hive":"0.000 HIVE",
  "total_vesting_fund_hive":"196777383.890 HIVE",
  "total_vesting_shares":"397621943253.336916 VESTS",
  "virtual_supply":"294324509.379 HIVE",

Route: getState(‘tags’)'get_trending_tags',[startingValue, limit])

The getTrendingTags function calls the same information as with getState but can be limited in the number of results. The data on each tag includes the number of votes and comments made with that tag as well as the total payouts for that tag. This is useful to determine which tags are most popular to assist in effective post creation.

  "comments": 31203776,
  "name": "life",
  "net_votes": 54671586,
  "top_posts": 4996200,
  "total_payouts": "61584243.124 HBD",
  "trending": "114450355665"

Route: getState(‘tag_idx’)'get_trending_tags',[startingValue, limit])

This information can be gained by the using the same method as for getState('tags') and then only displaying the name object of the array of tags provided. You can refer to the tutorial search tags for a detailed example of this.


Route: getState(‘witness_schedule’)

//full info'get_witness_schedule',[])
//median props only

If required you can also call the median_props values as standalone via the second function listed above.

  "account_subsidy_rd": {
    "resource_unit": 10000,
    "budget_per_time_unit": 797,
    "pool_eq": 157691079,
    "max_pool_size": 157691079,
    "decay_params": {},
  "account_subsidy_witness_rd": {
    "resource_unit": 10000,
    "budget_per_time_unit": 996,
    "pool_eq": 9384019,
    "max_pool_size": 9384019,
    "decay_params": {},
  "current_shuffled_witnesses": ["followbtcnews", "good-karma", "smooth.witness", "anyx", "thecryptodrive", "jesta", "utopian-io", "cervantes", "roelandp", "aggroed", "blocktrades", "gtg", "xeldal", "lukestokes.mhth", "someguy123", "pfunk", "ausbitbank", "furion", "curie", "timcliff", "clayop"],
  "current_virtual_time": "376982753287696133965407589",
  "elected_weight": 1,
  "hardfork_required_witnesses": 17,
  "id": 0,
  "majority_version": "0.20.3",
  "max_miner_witnesses": 0,
  "max_runner_witnesses": 1,
  "max_voted_witnesses": 20,
  "median_props": {
    "account_creation_fee": "3.000 HIVE",
    "maximum_block_size": 65536,
    "hbd_interest_rate": 0,
    "account_subsidy_budget": 797,
    "account_subsidy_decay": 347321
  "min_witness_account_subsidy_decay": 0,
  "miner_weight": 1,
  "next_shuffle_block_num": 26313756,
  "num_scheduled_witnesses": 21,
  "timeshare_weight": 5,
  "witness_pay_normalization_factor": 25

Route: getState(‘witnesses’)'get_witnesses_by_vote',['',limit])

This detailed information can be used to track the performance of a specific witness when deciding for who to vote or for your own witness statistics. The detail includes the amount of votes, blocks missed and also the HBD exchange rate (feed price) that this witness is reporting. This function calls the info listed according to total votes.

  "available_witness_account_subsidies": 9138354,
  "created": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
  "hardfork_time_vote": "2018-09-25T15:00:00",
  "hardfork_version_vote": "0.20.0",
  "id": 9493,
  "last_aslot": 26387405,
  "last_confirmed_block_num": 26293189,
  "last_hbd_exchange_update": "2018-09-26T19:54:36",
  "last_work": "0000000048bf77f525731f28db7c1aa9ad853a475ccc78e71ea952a7782e5459",
  "owner": "gtg",
  "pow_worker": 0,
  "props": {
    "account_creation_fee": "3.000 HIVE",
    "maximum_block_size": 65536,
    "hbd_interest_rate": 0,
    "account_subsidy_budget": 797,
    "account_subsidy_decay": 347321
  "running_version": "0.20.3",
  "hbd_exchange_rate": {"base": "0.893 HBD", "quote": "1.000 HIVE"},
  "signing_key": "STM5T98tp8jZRbs7zzyCg74o2siqBw2SXxoYaE1MCuwuCPeQwKrju",
  "total_missed": 535,
  "url": "",
  "virtual_last_update": "376717145948220892034052885",
  "virtual_position": "240558419146717570415939163840356145056",
  "virtual_scheduled_time": "376718433464807443533288610",
  "votes": "77454495589313361"

Final code:

const dhive = require('@hiveio/dhive');

let opts = {};

//connect to production server
opts.addressPrefix = 'STM';
opts.chainId =

//connect to server which is connected to the network/production
const client = new dhive.Client('');

window.showAccount = async () => {
    console.log('account : ');
    var _info = new Array
    _info = await client.database.getAccounts(['hiveio']);


window.showContent = async () => {
    console.log('content : ');

    const filter = 'trending';
    const query = {
        limit: 20,
    var _info = new Array
    _info = await client.database.getDiscussions(filter, query)


window.showPrice = async () => {
    console.log('feed_price : ');

    _info = await client.database.getCurrentMedianHistoryPrice()


window.showProps = async () => {
    console.log('props : ');

    _info = await client.database.getDynamicGlobalProperties()


window.showTags = async () => {
    console.log('tags : ');

    _info = await'get_trending_tags',['', 10])


window.showTagidx = async () => {
    console.log('tag_idx : ');

    _info = await'get_trending_tags',['', 10])
    _info.forEach(post => {


window.showSchedule = async () => {
    console.log('witness schedule : ');

    _info = await'get_witness_schedule',[]);


window.showWitness = async () => {
    console.log('witnesses : ');

    var _info = await'get_witnesses_by_vote',['',10])


To run this tutorial

  1. git clone
  2. cd devportal/tutorials/javascript/34_get_state_replacement_api
  3. npm i
  4. npm run dev-server or npm run start
  5. After a few moments, the server should be running at http://localhost:3000/