Hive Developer Portal

Edit Content Patching
How to patch post edits to Hive.
Full, runnable src of Edit Content Patching can be downloaded as part of: tutorials/javascript (or download just this tutorial:
This tutorial will take you through the process of preparing and patching post using the broadcast.comment
operation. Being able to patch a post is critical to save resources on Hive.
Tutorial is demonstrating the typical process of editing content that has been previously posted on the blockchain. Instead of replacing the entire body of the post, the Hive blockchain offers an alternative strategy. In this tutorial, we will focus on properly patching existing content and then broadcasting the patch with a demo
account on a testnet.
Note for long time community members:** Since HF20 even archived content (older than 7 days) can be changed/updated. Editing content will also use less RC (resource credits) than creating new posts entirely.
We are using the broadcast.comment
function provided by dhive
which generates, signs, and broadcast the transaction to the network. On the Hive platform, posts and comments are all internally stored as a comment
object, differentiated by whether or not a parent_author
exists. When there is no parent_author
, it’s a post, when there is, it’s a comment. When editing a post, we need to make sure that we don’t resubmit the same post over and over again, which will spam the network and adds additional cost to operate the platform. Instead we will use a package called diff-match-patch
, which allows us to only apply changes and save resources on the Hive platform.
Also see:
- Configure testnet Testnet connection should be established with proper configurations
- Get latest post Get @demo’s latest post for editing
- Creating patch Creating patch with new edited text
- Submit a patch Submit newly formatted post
1. Configure testnet
You can launch a local testnet, with port 8090 mapped locally to the docker container:
docker run -d -p 8090:8090 inertia/tintoy:latest
For details on running a local testnet, see: Setting Up a Testnet
As usual, we have a file called public/app.js
, which holds the Javascript segment of the tutorial. In the first few lines, we have defined the configured library and packages:
const dhive = require('@hiveio/dhive');
let opts = {};
//connect to community testnet
opts.addressPrefix = 'TST';
opts.chainId =
//connect to server which is connected to the network/testnet
const client = new dhive.Client('', opts);
Above, we have dhive
pointing to the test network with the proper chainId, addressPrefix, and endpoint. Because this tutorial is interactive, we will not publish test content to the main network. Instead, we’re using testnet and a predefined account to demonstrate post patching.
2. Get latest post
Next, we have a main
function which fires at on-load and fetches latest blog post of @demo
account and fills in the form with relevant information.
const query = { tag: 'demo', limit: '1' };
.call('get_discussions_by_blog', [query])
.then(result => {
document.getElementById('title').value = result[0].title;
document.getElementById('body').value = result[0].body;
document.getElementById('tags').value = JSON.parse(
).tags.join(' ');
o_body = result[0].body;
o_permlink = result[0].permlink;
.catch(err => {
alert('Error occured, please reload the page');
Notice, we are only fetching a single blog post by specifying a limit
and we have filled all necessary fields/variables with the old content.
3. Creating patch
We have created a small function called createPatch
to patch edits to the old content.
function createPatch(text, out) {
if (!text && text === '') return undefined;
//get list of patches to turn text to out
const patch_make = dmp.patch_make(text, out);
//turns patch to text
const patch = dmp.patch_toText(patch_make);
return patch;
The createPatch
function computes a list of patches to turn old content to edited content.
4. Submit a patch
Next, we have the submitPost
function, which executes when the Submit button is clicked.
//get private key
const privateKey = dhive.PrivateKey.fromString(
//get account name
const account = document.getElementById('username').value;
//get title
const title = document.getElementById('title').value;
//get body
const edited_body = document.getElementById('body').value;
let body = '';
//computes a list of patches to turn o_body to edited_body
const patch = createPatch(o_body, edited_body);
//check if patch size is smaller than original content
if (patch && patch.length < new Buffer(o_body, 'utf-8').length) {
body = patch;
} else {
body = o_body;
//get tags and convert to array list
const tags = document.getElementById('tags').value;
const taglist = tags.split(' ');
//make simple json metadata including only tags
const json_metadata = JSON.stringify({ tags: taglist });
//generate random permanent link for post
const permlink = o_permlink;
author: account,
body: body,
json_metadata: json_metadata,
parent_author: '',
parent_permlink: taglist[0],
permlink: permlink,
title: title,
function(result) {
document.getElementById('title').value = '';
document.getElementById('body').value = '';
document.getElementById('tags').value = '';
document.getElementById('postLink').style.display = 'block';
).innerHTML = `<br/><p>Included in block: ${
}</p><br/><br/><a href="${
}/@${account}/${permlink}">Check post here</a>`;
function(error) {
As you can see from the above function, we get the relevant values from the defined fields. Tags are separated by spaces in this example, but the structure of how to enter tags totally depends on your needs. We have separated tags with whitespaces and stored them in an array list called taglist
, for later use. Posts on the blockchain can hold additional information in the json_metadata
field, such as the tags
list which we have assigned. Posts must also have a unique permanent link scoped to each account. In this case we are just creating a random character string.
In the follow code, we patch the old content with new (or edited) content and make sure that the patch size is smaller than edited content, otherwise patching is unnecessary.
//computes a list of patches to turn o_body to edited_body
const patch = createPatch(o_body, edited_body);
//check if patch size is smaller than edited content itself
if (patch && patch.length < new Buffer(edited_body, 'utf-8').length) {
body = patch;
} else {
body = edited_body;
The next step is to pass all of these parameters to the client.broadcast.comment
function. Note that in parameters you can see the parent_author
and parent_permlink
fields, which are used for replies (also known as comments). In our example, since we are publishing a post instead of a comment/reply, we will have to leave parent_author
as an empty string and assign parent_permlink
from the first tag.
After the post has been broadcasted to the network, we can simply set all the fields to empty strings and show the post link to check it from a condenser instance running on the selected testnet. That’s it!
Final code:
import { Client, PrivateKey } from '@hiveio/dhive';
import { Testnet as NetConfig } from '../../configuration'; //A Hive Testnet. Replace 'Testnet' with 'Mainnet' to connect to the main Hive blockchain.
let opts = { };
const client = new Client(NetConfig.url, opts);
const diff_match_patch = require('diff-match-patch');
const dmp = new diff_match_patch();
let o_body = '';
let o_permlink = '';
//fetch list of comments for certain account
async function getLatestPost() {
const query = {
tag: document.getElementById('username').value,
limit: '1',
.call('get_discussions_by_blog', [query])
.then(result => {
document.getElementById('title').value = result[0].title;
document.getElementById('body').value = result[0].body;
document.getElementById('tags').value = JSON.parse(
).tags.join(' ');
o_body = result[0].body;
o_permlink = result[0].permlink;
.catch(err => {
alert('Error occured, please reload the page');
window.getLatestPost = getLatestPost;
//catch error messages
function createPatch(text, out) {
if (!text && text === '') return undefined;
const patch_make = dmp.patch_make(text, out);
const patch = dmp.patch_toText(patch_make);
return patch;
//submit post function
window.submitPost = async () => {
//get private key
const privateKey = PrivateKey.fromString(
//get account name
const account = document.getElementById('username').value;
//get title
const title = document.getElementById('title').value;
//get body
const edited_body = document.getElementById('body').value;
let body = '';
//computes a list of patches to turn o_body to edited_body
const patch = createPatch(o_body, edited_body);
//check if patch size is smaller than edited content itself
if (patch && patch.length < new Buffer(edited_body, 'utf-8').length) {
body = patch;
} else {
body = edited_body;
//get tags and convert to array list
const tags = document.getElementById('tags').value;
const taglist = tags.split(' ');
//make simple json metadata including only tags
const json_metadata = JSON.stringify({ tags: taglist });
//generate random permanent link for post
const permlink = o_permlink;
author: account,
body: body,
json_metadata: json_metadata,
parent_author: '',
parent_permlink: taglist[0],
permlink: permlink,
title: title,
function(result) {
document.getElementById('title').value = '';
document.getElementById('body').value = '';
document.getElementById('tags').value = '';
document.getElementById('postLink').style.display = 'block';
).innerHTML = `<br/><p>Included in block: ${
}</p><br/><br/><a href="${
}/@${account}/${permlink}">Check post here</a>`;
function(error) {
window.onload = () => {
const account = NetConfig.accounts[0];
document.getElementById('username').value = account.address;
document.getElementById('usernameInText').innerHTML = account.address;
document.getElementById('postingKey').value = account.privPosting;
To Run the tutorial
git clone
cd devportal/tutorials/javascript/12_edit_content_patching
npm i
npm run dev-server
ornpm run start
- After a few moments, the server should be running at http://localhost:3000/